1. cd
cd Directory name
2. cd ..
go to just one level above parent folder
rm -rf repository/
remove repository folder and subfolder also
4. ps -ef
show running processes.
5. ps -ef| grep tomcat7
show tomcat7 ‘s all processes.
6. ifconfig
show ip address in ubuntu
7. sudo service tomcat7 status
show tomcat running status
sudo service tomcat7 stop
stop tomcat7 if it is running state.
sudo kill -9 PID
kill any processe.
10 ls -al
show all file and folder in working directory.
11 pwd
12. history
Show terminal history
13. unzip abc.zip
extract the zip file
14. tar -zxvf ellipse9.2.2.tar.gz
extract the tar file
15. mysql -uroot -proot
For use mysql
16. mysqldump -u root -p database_name > dump_file_name.sql
Create file name