State in reactjs belong to single component . it is not passed in between component as props works . Component state can be modified over time in response to user actions, network responses, and anything. Here we are given example how to we change state of component dynamically .
import React, { Component } from ‘react’;
import ‘./App.css’;
import User from ‘./User/User’;
import Profile from ‘./Profile/Profile’;
class App extends Component {
state= {
users :[
{ name : ‘ram’ , salary :2000 },
{ name : ‘john’ , salary :3000}
render() {
return (
<h1> My React Application </h1>
<p>user name is {this.state.users[0].name} and salary is {this.state.users[0].salary}</p>
<p> user name is {this.state.users[1].name} and salary is {this.state.users[1].salary}</p>
export default App;
In this example we app.js file and it have state arary users. This array can be update on user action . We can access state values inside render function with the help of {this.state.statename.filed}