How to add bytes In Java

In this tutorial we will see how to add bytes values in java . In java byte data type is a signed integer based on the two’s complement 8-bit mechanism. It is different from the int data type that uses 4 bytes (i.e., 32-bit to store a number). The values that can be stored in a single byte are -128 to 127. byte data types are primitive in java. Now we will see different ways to add bytes in java .

Example 1 :  Add bytes in java Using typecasting

In this example we are adding bytes using typecasting . Sum will be in byte .


  1. We will create two byte and initialize with values .
  2. Add byte and store value in byte variable .
  3. Result will be typecast .

Now we will write java program to addition of calculating bytes . Let’s see code for adding bytes in java

public class AddBytes {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

		byte a = 100;
		byte b = 100;
		byte result;
		result = (byte) (a + b); // addition typecasted



Output :


Example 2 :  Add bytes in java without typecasting

Now we will write java program to add bytes without using typecasting .


  1. We will create two byte and initialize with values .
  2. Add byte and store value in int variable .
  3. Result will be in int value.

Java program to addition calculating byes . Let,s see code for that .

public class AddBytesWithoutCasting {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		byte a = 100;
		byte b = 100;
		int result;
		result = a + b; //  without typecasting 





In this tutorial we have learned how to add bytes In java . We done addition calculating bytes using typecasting and without typecasting . We have seen that how to sum of two bytes store in int . You can see more java program for practice .

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