Java Integer Compare() Method

In this tutorial , we will discuss java integer compare method . method is use to integer comparison in java . First we discuss about syntax and example of java method then see how to compare two integers in java using method .

Java Method :

Java method is use to compares two int values numerically. It takes two parameters  and return result of comparison of integer , which are given as parameter .

Syntax : x, int y)

Parameter :  It takes two parameter x and y.  x the first int to compare and y the second int to compare

Return Value : It’s return numeric value as

  • If x>y then the method returns an int value greater than zero.
  • If x=y then the method returns zero.
  • And If x<y then the method returns an int value less than zero.

Now we will see different  example of java integer compare() method .

Example 1 : Java Example when  x> y

In this example we will initialize two int variable x  and y (x>y). we will compare two integers x and y in java using method and result will store in result variable . There is result of integer comparison should be greater then zero and we will print this result of integer comparison in our program.

public class JavaIntegerCompare {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
	int x = 5;
        int y = 2;
        //compare int x and y using compare method 
        int result =, y); 
        //print result of compare int x and y
        System.out.println("Result of compare("+ x +", "+ y +" )"+ " = "+ result);




Result of compare(5, 2 ) = 1

Example 2 : Java Example when  x < y

In this example we will initialize two int variable x  and y (x<y) . Now we will compare two integers x and y in java using method and result will store in result variable . There is result of integer comparison should be less then zero and we will print this result of integer comparison in our program.

public class JavaIntegerCompare1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	int x = 2;
        int y = 5;
        //compare int x and y using compare method 
        int result =, y); 
        //print result of compare int x and y
        System.out.println("Result of compare("+ x +", "+ y +" )"+ " = "+ result);

Output :

Result of compare(2, 5 ) = -1

Example 3 : Java Example when  x = y

Now we will take two int variable x  and y and initialize as x=y . Then we will compare two integers x and y in java using method and result will store in result variable . Here result of integer comparison should be equal to zero .

public class JavaIntegerCompare2 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int x = 5;
        int y = 5;
        //compare int x and y using compare method 
        int result =, y); 
        //print result of compare int x and y
        System.out.println("Result of compare("+ x +", "+ y +" )"+ " = "+ result);

Output :

Result of compare(5, 5 ) = 0

In this tutorial we have learned how to compare two integers in java using method . We have seen different example for java compare int . java integer compare() method return numeric value on the bases of given parameter. You can see more java program for practice .

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