Convert string into int or respectively wrapper class Integer is very simple and common operation . During of development in
Continue readingCall by value and call by reference in java
In java there is only call by value is possible. We achieve call by reference using call by object in
Continue readingSwap two Strings without using third Variable In Java
In this tutorial we will learn how to swap two strings without using third variable in java . We will
Continue readingSwap two character without using any variable
Swap two character with out using any variable: public class SwapTwoCharacterWithoutUsingVaraible { public static void main(String[] args) { char ch1=’A’;
Continue readingHow to check Missing and Repeated number in array
A array size n have element 1-n but one element is missing and one element is repeated . public class
Continue readingCheck number even or odd without using modulo operator
To Check odd or even without using modulus operator in java we have different methods . Let’s dicuss these methods
Continue readingFactorial program using recursion in java
Java program for factorial using recursion public class factorial { int fact(int n){ if (n==1) {
Continue readingHow to Convert int Into String In Java
In this Tutorial We will see How to convert int into string in java . We can convert int into
Continue readingAdd Two Big Number In Java
We have two big number such that out of range of Integers then, how are you add these number. we
Continue readingHow to create Linklist In Java
package linklist; import java.util.Scanner; /* Class Node */ class Node1 { protected int data; protected Node1 link;
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